Project Files—Displays the tree view of items under My Computer in the Project Explorer window. Click the arrow buttons next to the Exported VIs and Always Included listboxes to add selected files from Project Files to those listboxes or to remove selected files from the listboxes.
Exported VIs—Specifies the exported VIs, which users can access as functions of the .NET interop assembly. You must include at least one exported VI. Click the arrow buttons next to the Exported VIs listbox to add selected VIs from the Project Files listbox or to remove selected VIs from the Exported VIs listbox. If you add multiple files at one time, LabVIEW uses the default prototype.
Define Prototype—Displays when you select an exported VI. Click the button to display the Define VI Prototype dialog box, which you can use to define the parameters of an exported VI.
Always Included—Specifies the dynamic VIs and support files always to include in the .NET interop assembly, even if the exported VIs do not contain references to the files. Click the arrow buttons next to the Always Included listbox to add selected files from the Project Files listbox or to remove selected files from the Always Included listbox. When you add a folder to the listbox, you add all items in the folder and cannot remove individual items.
Note Dynamic VIs are VIs that LabVIEW dynamically calls through the VI Server. Support files are non-VI files, such as drivers, text files, and help files that the .NET interop assembly uses.
You cannot move the following files to the Exported VIs or Always Included listbox:
Exported VIs
Polymorphic VIs
Private data controls of LabVIEW classes
Files that are not VIs, such as text, image, or .mnu files
Library files, such as LabVIEW classes, or XControls
Global variables
Always Included
Private data controls of LabVIEW classes
If you move a library or LabVIEW class to the Always Included listbox, LabVIEW labels all items in the library or class referenced. You still can designate any of the individual items as exported VIs. However, if you move any part of an XControl to the Always Included listbox, LabVIEW dims the related XControl files and includes the related files in the build. You cannot designate any of the related items as exported VIs.