Source File Settings Page (Web Service Properties Dialog Box)

Requires: Full Development System (Windows)

Note  In LabVIEW 2013, you no longer configure Web services via build specifications. You can continue to use this build specification, or you can convert the build specification to the new format. To download the conversion tool, visit the National Instruments website.

Use this page of the Web Service Properties dialog box to edit destinations and properties for the files included in a Web service. LabVIEW enables the options in this page only if the item you select in the Project Explorer tree supports the option. You can apply settings to all the items under Dependencies, but not to individual items under Dependencies.

Note  If you plan to distribute a Web service that uses shared variables, do not include the .lvlib file in the Web service. Change the Destination of the .lvlib file to a destination outside the Web service.

This page includes the following components:

Note  The following options appear only when you select a folder from the Project Files tree. The settings apply to all items in the selected folder. You cannot specify settings for individual items in the folder. The Inclusion Type indicator displays the inclusion type for the folder.
  • Set destination for all contained items
  • Set VI properties for all contained items
  • Set save settings for all contained items
  • Set password for all contained items
  • Apply prefix to all contained items
Caution  The file path of a deployed Web service, including the directory hierarchy that results from configurations on this page, cannot exceed 256 characters.