Profile Performance and Memory Window

Requires: Base Development System

Select Tools»Profile»Performance and Memory to display this window.

Use this window to acquire and display data about the execution time and memory usage of VIs. If you display the Profile Performance and Memory window from a VI that is not part of a project, the window profiles all open VIs that do not belong to a project. If you display the Profile Performance and Memory window from a project or VI that is part of a project, the window profiles the VIs in all targets associated with the project. You can only profile the VIs in one project at a time.

This window does not support remote debugging. If you open the Profile Performance and Memory window while remote debugging, the window profiles VIs on the local machine only.

Note  You can use the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit to monitor code analysis, memory leaks, and other aspects of LabVIEW programming.
Note  You can use the LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit to check VIs interactively or programmatically for performance, efficiency, and other aspects of LabVIEW programming.

This window includes the following components: