Use this page to configure settings for the LabVIEW MathScript Window.
This page includes the following components:
Output Properties—Sets preferences for the Output Window of the LabVIEW MathScript Window.
Output buffer size—Specifies the maximum number of characters that LabVIEW displays in the Output Window.
Output wrapped—Specifies whether to enable word wrapping in the Output Window.
Echo character—Specifies the character that appears before each new entry in the Output Window.
Font Properties—Sets font preferences for the Output Window and the Command Window of the LabVIEW MathScript Window.
Font type—Specifies the font style of the text that appears in the Output Window and the Command Window. This list contains the following options:
Plain—Clears all font attributes.
Bold—Applies bold to the font.
Italic—Applies italic to the font.
Font size—Specifies the font size of the text that appears in the Output Window and the Command Window.
History Properties—Sets preferences for the History tab of the LabVIEW MathScript Window.
History file name—Specifies the file to which LabVIEW saves the Command History list when you exit the LabVIEW MathScript Window. By default, LabVIEW saves the Command History list to the history.txt file in the default data directory.
History buffer—Specifies the maximum number of entries that LabVIEW displays in the Command History list.
Ignore identical consecutive entries—Specifies whether to show or hide identical consecutive commands in the Command History list.
Format—Sets the default display format of numbers in the LabVIEW MathScript Window. This list contains the following options:
short—Displays numbers in scaled fixed-point format with 4 digits after the decimal point. For example, 100*pi in short format returns 314.1593.
long—Displays numbers in scaled fixed-point format with 15 digits after the decimal point. For example, 100*pi in long format returns 314.159265358979326.
short e—Displays numbers in exponential notation, floating-point format with 4 digits after the decimal point. For example, 100*pi in short e format returns 3.1416E+002.
long e—Displays numbers in exponential notation, floating-point format with 15 digits after the decimal point. For example, 100*pi in long e format returns 3.141592653589793E+002.
Use the MathScript format function to modify the display format of numbers for the current instance of LabVIEW. When you restart LabVIEW, the display format resets to the default.
Display HTML Help?—Directs LabVIEW to display help in an HTML Help window when you call the help command from the LabVIEW MathScript Window. This checkbox is enabled by default. Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to display help in the Output Window of the LabVIEW MathScript Window.