This dialog box includes the following components:
Menu bar of dialog box—Controls the creation and positioning of menu items through a File and an Edit menu.
Insert—Inserts a new item below the selected item.
Delete—Deletes the selected item from the list.
Left—Makes the items after the selected item become sub-items.
Right—Makes the selected item a sub-item of the preceding menu item.
Up—Moves the selected item up in the menu list. If the selected item has sub-items, they move along with the selected item.
Down—Moves the selected item down in the menu list. If the selected item has sub-items, they move along with the selected item.
Menu Type—Indicates one of two types of menus to associate with a control at run time. Select a type from the pull-down menu. You can copy the Default type, but you cannot edit it.
Default—Displays the standard menu.
Custom—Allows you to create, edit, and save custom run-time shortcut menus. You can save the shortcut menu with the control or to file.
Menu Hierarchy—Displays the menu hierarchy in a tree.
Item Type—Indicates one of the following three types of menu items:
User Item—Allows you to enter new items that must be handled programmatically on the block diagram. A user item has a name, which is the string that appears on the menu, and a tag, which is a unique, case-sensitive string identifier. The tag identifies the user item on the block diagram. When you type a name, LabVIEW copies it to the tag. You can edit the tag to be different from the name. For a menu item to be valid, its tag must have a value. The Item Tag text box displays question marks for invalid menu items. LabVIEW ensures that the tag is unique to a menu hierarchy and appends numbers when necessary.
Separator—Inserts a separation line on the menu. You cannot set any attributes for this item.
Application Item—Allows you to select default menu items. To insert a menu item, select Application Item and follow the hierarchy to the items you want to add. Add individual items or entire submenus. LabVIEW handles application items automatically. These item tags do not appear in block diagrams. You cannot alter the name, tag, or other attributes of an application item. LabVIEW begins all of its shortcut menu application item tags with the prefix APP_SC.
Item Name—Displays the string that appears on the menu.
Item Tag—Displays the unique identifier of the menu item. Every menu item must have a unique identifier. The block diagram uses this string to identify the menu item. The identifier is case sensitive, and LabVIEW ignores trailing and leading blanks. If the tag you enter is not valid or is not unique, LabVIEW highlights the tag in red.