Click the New button on the Create or Edit Express VI dialog box to display the Express VI Creator wizard. Select the Create from a VI option and click the Next button. In the file dialog that appears, select the VI you want to convert to an Express VI and click the Next button to display this page.
This dialog box includes the following components:
Connector pane—Displays the connector pane of the VI you want to convert to an Express VI.
Terminal Name—Lists the terminals of the VI you want to convert to an Express VI.
Configurable—Specifies whether the corresponding terminal is a configurable parameter in the new Express VI. Configurable parameters are controls and indicators that you can configure from the dialog box.
By default, a checkmark appears in the Configurable checkbox for each terminal.
Expandable—Specifies whether the corresponding terminal is an expandable terminal in the new Express VI. Expandable terminals are controls and indicators that you can configure from the block diagram.
By default, a checkmark appears in the Expandable checkbox for each terminal.