Configure Include Paths and Preprocessor Definitions Page (Import Shared Library Wizard)

Requires: Base Development System

Use this page of the Import Shared Library wizard to specify include paths and preprocessor definitions that you want the wizard to use when it parses the header (.h) file. Select Tools»Import»Shared Library to launch the Import Shared Library wizard.

This page includes the following components:

Example Code for Using Preprocessor Definitions

The following example code from a header file only compiles functionA if you define WIN32:

#ifdef WIN32

int functionA(int para);


If you want LabVIEW to import functionA but you did not define WIN32, you can enter the preprocessor definition WIN32 in the Preprocessor Definitions text box to define WIN32.

The following example code shows another function in a header file. In this situation, you did not define NIAPI, so LabVIEW does not recognize the symbol:

NIAPI int functionA(intpara);

If you want LabVIEW to import the function, you can add NIAPI=_stdcall to the Preprocessor Definitions text box to define NIAPI.

You can define the functions in both of the previous examples by entering the following code in the Preprocessor Definitions field:

WIN32; NIAPI=_stdcall