This dialog box includes the following components:
Annotation Name—Specifies the name of the annotation. By default, Annotation Name is displayed in the plot area. Right-click the annotation and deselect the Attributes»Show Name option to hide the annotation name.
Lock Style—Sets the way in which the annotation snaps to plots and can be moved in the plot area. Lock Style contains the following options:
Free—Allows you to move the annotation anywhere in the plot area. The annotation is not snapped to any plots in the plot area.
Snap to All Plots—Allows you to move the annotation to the nearest data point along any plot in the plot area.
Snap to One Plot—Allows you to move the annotation only along the specified plot. If the graph has more than one plot, use Locked Plot to specify the plot to snap the annotation to.
Locked Plot—Specifies the plot to snap the annotation to when Lock Style is set to Snap to One Plot.
Hide Arrow—Hides the arrow that points from the annotation name to the annotated data point.
Lock Name—Positions the annotation name absolutely so that when you move the annotation or scroll the plot area, the annotation name does not move in the plot area.