Note You can use multiple monitors to compare VIs by dragging the VIs into different monitors. LabVIEW then reuses the same monitors to perform future VI comparisons. If some of the monitors are disconnected, LabVIEW uses only one monitor.
This dialog box includes the following components:
VIs to Compare—Indicates the names of the two VIs you want to compare. Both VIs must already be in memory to compare. Click the Select buttons to choose the VIs that you want to compare.
First VI—Displays the first VI you want to compare. Click the Select button to specify a different VI.
Second VI— Displays the second VI you want to compare. Click the Select button to specify a different VI.
Compare—Indicates the attributes you want to compare.
VI attributes—Compares attributes of the two VIs using the settings in the VI Properties dialog box.
Front panel—Compares objects on the front panel.
Position/size changes—Compares the position and size of the objects on the front panel.
Block diagram—Compares the functional differences on the block diagrams.
Cosmetic changes—Compares changes on the block diagrams that do not affect the execution of the VI, such as color changes, visible subdiagrams in Case and Stacked Sequence structures, format and precision of constants, and Event structures.
Position/size changes—Compares the position and size of the objects on the block diagram.
Compare—Performs the comparison and displays the results in the Differences dialog box.