Replacing Project Items

You can replace a VI, class, or library in a LabVIEW project with another item of the same type. Right-click a project item in the Project Explorer window and select Replace with from the shortcut menu to select a file to replace the original item. LabVIEW treats libraries and packaged project libraries as the same type when you replace these project items.

Replacing project items can affect callers in the project. After replacing a project item, LabVIEW updates callers to refer to the new project item instead of the original project item. LabVIEW does not change the original and replacement project items in addition to updating the callers.

Replacing Libraries

LabVIEW returns a warning when you replace a library in which at least one member is referenced by any callers out of the original library and the referenced member is missing from the replacement library. You can click Accept in the warning dialog box to continue replacing the library. However, the callers will break after you replace the library because LabVIEW removes the original library including the referenced item from the project.

The replacement operation does not affect callers that reference members in its own library.