Recursive VIs

Recursive VIs can call themselves from their own block diagram or from the block diagrams of subVIs. Recursive VIs are useful if you want to operate multiple times on the output of the same process. You can make any VI recursive, and you can use multiple recursive VIs in one VI hierarchy.

To use recursive VIs throughout a VI hierarchy, configure all VIs in the hierarchy in one of the following ways.

(32-bit) LabVIEW allows up to 15,000 recursive calls on 32-bit platforms. (64-bit) LabVIEW allows up to 35,000 recursive calls on 64-bit platforms.

(Real-Time Module) The LabVIEW Real-Time Module supports recursion. However, recursion is not real-time deterministic and you cannot debug recursive VIs in LabVIEW Real-Time.

(FPGA Module) The LabVIEW FPGA Module currently does not support recursion.