3D Graph Subpalette

Use the 3D Graph palette objects to plot data in 3D.

Palette Object Description
Scatter Displays the relationship between two variables as a set of discrete points.
Bar Displays a vertical bar graph.
Pie Displays a pie chart.
Ribbon Displays a parallel line plot.
Contour Displays a curve along which a function with two variables has a constant value.
Quiver Displays vector arrows representing the magnitude and direction of a set of points. Quiver plots are also known as vector fields.
Comet Displays an animated graph with a circle that follows the data points.
Surface Displays data with a connecting surface.
Mesh Displays a mesh surface with open spaces.
Waterfall Displays the surface of the data and the area on the y-axis below the data points.
3D Surface Graph Displays 3D data with a connecting surface.
3D Parametric Graph Displays a graph such that the x, y, and z variables are each functions of a common parameter.
3D Line Graph Displays a line or curve in terms of x, y, and z points.

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