Use array, cluster, set, and map controls and indicators to group data elements. Use matrix controls and indicators to enter and display matrix data.
Note��The availability of data container controls and indicators may vary depending on the subpalette style you choose. Refer to the Modern, NXG Style, Silver, System, or Classic subpalette for data container control and indicator availability.
Array Controls and Indicators�Use to group data elements of the same type in unsorted order. For example, use a 2D array if your data contains temperature readings and time stamps and you want them in separate columns.
Matrix Controls and Indicators�Use to group rows or columns of real or complex scalar data for some math operations, such as linear algebra operations. For example, use a matrix indicator to return matrix results from a Mathematics VI.
Tip��Use the ComplexMatrix.ctl to represent any matrix. Use the RealMatrix.ctl when the matrix contains only real components, as this control reduces the storage requirement and provides more accurate results.
Cluster Controls and Indicators�Use to group data elements of a mixed type that logically belong together. For example, use an error cluster to pass error information.
Set Controls and Indicators�Use�to�view unique�data elements�of the same type in sorted order.
Map Controls and Indicators�Use�to�view�key-value�pairs�in sorted�order�where�all�the�keys are unique. The key and value can each be any data type.