Flush Shared Variable Data VI

Owning Palette: PSP Variable VI and Functions

Requires: Base Development System (Real-Time, Windows)

Flushes the buffer of all network-published shared variables immediately. LabVIEW uses an 8 kilobyte buffer for all shared variable values, and LabVIEW automatically flushes the 8 kilobyte buffer either when the buffer fills up or after 10 ms have passed. If you write less than 8 kilobytes of data, it can take up to 10 milliseconds for LabVIEW to send that data over the network. You can use the Flush Shared Variable Data VI to flush the buffer immediately and eliminate this delay.

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error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.