Headers VIs

Owning Palette: HTTP Client VIs

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Headers VIs to manage header field lines for Web requests associated with client handles. These VIs also can interact with LabVIEW Web services.

Palette ObjectDescription
AddHeaderAdds a header field line to all Web requests associated with the client handle. Headers define attributes of the data exchanged between the client and server.
GetHeaderReturns the value assigned to the header of the client handle. Headers define attributes of the data exchanged between the client and server. Client handles save header values across multiple Web requests. Use the Open Handle VI to create a client handle. Refer to the World Wide Web Consortium website at www.w3.org for more information about header field definitions including example headers, descriptions, and syntax.
HeaderExistsDetermines if the header is associated with the client handle. Headers define attributes of the data exchanged between the client and server. Client handles save header values across multiple Web requests. Use the Open Handle VI to create a client handle. Refer to the World Wide Web Consortium website at www.w3.org for more information about header field definitions including example headers, descriptions, and syntax.
ListHeadersLists the headers associated with the client handle. Headers define attributes of the data exchanged between the client and server. Client handles save header values across multiple Web requests. Use the Open Handle VI to create a client handle. Refer to the World Wide Web Consortium website at www.w3.org for more information about header field definitions including example headers, descriptions, and syntax.
RemoveHeaderRemoves a header field line from all Web requests associated with the client handle. Headers define attributes of the data exchanged between the client and server. Client handles save header values across multiple Web requests. Use the Open Handle VI to create a client handle. Refer to the World Wide Web Consortium website at www.w3.org for more information about header field definitions including example headers, descriptions, and syntax.