FTP Get Multiple Files VI

Owning Palette: FTP VIs

Requires: Base Development System

Connects to an FTP server and copies a list of files to the local machine.

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remote port is the TCP/IP port at which the server listens. The default is 21, the FTP control port.
password is the password that authenticates the username. (NI Linux Real-Time) You must specify a blank password. For NI Linux Real-Time targets, the FTP server does not accept NI-Auth credentials.
user is the name you want to use to log on to the FTP server. The default is anonymous. (NI Linux Real-Time) You must specify anonymous as the value for this input. For NI Linux Real-Time targets, the FTP server does not accept NI-Auth credentials.
host is the name or IP address of an FTP server.
file specifications contains the FTP configuration for file transfers.
remote path is a path to a file on the FTP server. The remote path input supports Windows-like file paths such as c:\ni-rt\system\a.txt and UNIX-like file paths such as /ni-rt/system/a.txt. If you need to specify a drive letter on UNIX-like paths, the input supports paths such as /c:/ni-rt/system/a.txt.
local path is the path to the location where you store the local file. If you do not wire local path, a file dialog box prompts you for a location.
binary specifies whether to transfer data in binary or ASCII mode. The default is FALSE, in which the VI transfers data in ASCII mode.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
active specifies whether the data connection is active or passive. The default is TRUE, which specifies an active connection.
file errors is an array of error clusters containing file-related errors, such as invalid remote path and file access permission denied.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.