Reply Msg:Send Message And Wait For Response

Owning Palette: Advanced VIs (Actor Framework)

Requires: Base Development System

(Filename: Actor Framework.lvlib:Reply Msg.lvclass:Send Message And Wait For

Sends a message to an actor and synchronously waits for a response from the actor.

Message Priority specifies the placement of the Message in the message queue. This placement determines when the actor will process the message.

0Low—Specifies that the message will be processed after messages of all other priorities. Multiple low-priority messages are processed in the order they are sent.
1Normal (Default)—Specifies that the message will be processed after critical- and high-priority messages but before low-priority ones. Multiple normal-priority messages are processed in the order they are sent.
2High—Specifies that the message will be processed first. Multiple high-priority messages are processed in the order they are sent. High-priority messages can be superseded only by an Emergency Stop or Last Ack message, both of which have critical priority.
Message Enqueuer in specifies the reference needed to send a message to an actor.
Original Message specifies the message this VI sends.
timeout in ms specifies the time, in milliseconds, this VI spends waiting for a reply. The default is -1, which specifies this VI waits indefinitely.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
Message Enqueuer out returns the reference needed to send messages to the actor.
Reply returns the message that the receiver sent in reply to Original Message.
timed out? returns TRUE if the timeout in ms elapsed before a reply was received.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.