side specifies the position of A in the calculation.
0 | Right—The VI calculates the result of alpha*B*A. | 1 | Left (default)—The VI calculates the result of alpha*A*B. |
operation A specifies the operation the VI performs on matrix A, resulting in matrix op(A).
0 | Direct (default) | 1 | Conjugated & Transposed | 2 | Transposed |
A is a real triangular matrix. The VI multiplies the first K rows and the first K columns of op(A) by B. If you set side to Left, K equals the number of rows in B. If you set side to Right, K equals the number of columns in B. The number of rows and columns in A must be greater than or equal to K.
B is a real matrix.
matrix A type specifies whether A is an upper or lower triangular matrix.
2 | Lower Triangular—A is a lower triangular matrix. | 3 | Upper Triangular (default)—A is an upper triangular matrix. |
alpha ia real scalar that scales op(A)*B or B*op(A). The default is 1.
diagonal specifies the value of the diagonal elements of A.
0 | Non-unit (default)—The VI uses the original diagonal elements of A. | 1 | Unit—The VI uses a value of 1 for all diagonal elements of A. |
dtrmm is a real matrix of the same dimensions as B. dtrmm returns the result of alpha*op(A)*B, if you set side to Left, or alpha*B*op(A), if you set side to Right.
error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.
side specifies the position of A in the calculation.
0 | Right—The VI calculates the result of alpha*B*A. | 1 | Left (default)—The VI calculates the result of alpha*A*B. |
operation A specifies the operation the VI performs on matrix A, resulting in matrix op(A).
0 | Direct (default) | 1 | Conjugated & Transposed | 2 | Transposed |
A is a complex triangular matrix. The VI multiplies the first K rows and the first K columns in op(A) by B. If you set side to Left, K equals the number of rows in B. If you set side to Right, K equals the number of columns in B. The number of rows and columns in A must be greater than or equal to K.
B is a complex matrix.
matrix A type specifies whether A is an upper or lower triangular matrix.
2 | Lower Triangular—A is a lower triangular matrix. | 3 | Upper Triangular (default)—A is an upper triangular matrix. |
alpha is a complex scalar that scales op(A)*B or B*op(A). The default is 1.
diagonal specifies the value of the diagonal elements of A.
0 | Non-unit (default)—The VI uses the original diagonal elements of A. | 1 | Unit—The VI uses a value of 1 for all diagonal elements of A. |
ztrmm is a complex matrix of the same dimensions as B. ztrmm returns the result of alpha*op(A)*B, if you set side to Left, or alpha*B*op(A), if you set side to Right.
error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.