gemm - General Matrix-Matrix Product VI

Owning Palette: Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Calculates the product of two general matrices.

The data types you wire to A, B, and C determine the polymorphic instance to use.

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dgemm - General Matrix-Matrix Product (DBL)

operation B specifies the operation the VI performs on matrix B, resulting in matrix op(B).

0Direct (default)
1Conjugated & Transposed
operation A specifies the operation the VI performs on matrix A, resulting in matrix op(A).

0Direct (default)
1Conjugated & Transposed
A is a real matrix of dimensions such that op(A) is an M × K matrix.
B is a real matrix such that op(B) is a K × N matrix.
C is a real matrix of dimensions greater than or equal to M × N.
alpha is a real scalar that scales op(A)*op(B). The default is 1.
beta is a real scalar that scales C. The default is 1.
dgemm is a real matrix of the same dimensions as C. For elements of the first M rows and N columns, dgemm returns the result of alpha*op(A) *op(B) + beta*C. For any remaining elements, dgemm returns the value of the element in C with the same index.
error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.

zgemm - General Matrix-Matrix Product (CDB)

operation B specifies the operation the VI performs on matrix B, resulting in matrix op(B).

0Direct (default)
1Conjugated & Transposed
operation A specifies the operation the VI performs on matrix A, resulting in matrix op(A).

0Direct (default)
1Conjugated & Transposed
A is a complex matrix of dimensions such that op(A) is an M × K matrix.
B is a complex matrix such that op(B) is a K × N matrix.
C is a complex matrix of dimensions greater than or equal to M × N.
alpha is a complex scalar that scales op(A)*op(B). The default is 1.
beta is a complex scalar that scales C. The default is 1.
zgemm is a complex matrix of the same dimensions as C. For elements of the first M rows and N columns, zgemm returns the result of alpha*op(A) *op(B) + beta*C. For any remaining elements, zgemm returns the value of the element in C with the same index.
error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.

gemm - General Matrix-Matrix Product Details

Refer to the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) website at for more information on BLAS functions.


Refer to the Comparison of BLAS and linear algebra VIs VI in the labview\examples\Mathematics\Linear Algebra directory for an example of using the gemm - General Matrix-Matrix Product VI.

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