Convex Polygon Intersection VI

Owning Palette: Computational Geometry VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Computes the intersection of two convex polygons.

If two polygons do not intersect, the VI returns empty arrays to Intersection X and Intersection Y with no error.


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X 1 specifies the x-coordinates of the vertices of the first polygon. The length of X 1 must be greater than or equal to 3.
Y 1 specifies the y-coordinates of the vertices of the first polygon. The length of Y 1 must be equal to X 1.
X 2 specifies the x-coordinates of the vertices of the second polygon. The length of X 2 must be greater than or equal to 3.
Y 2 specifies the y-coordinates of the vertices of the second polygon. The length of Y 2 must be equal to X 2.
Intersection X returns the x-coordinates of the vertices of the intersection polygon.
Intersection Y returns the y-coordinates of the vertices of the intersection polygon.
error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.

Convex Polygon Intersection Details

The intersection of two convex polygons is the area contained in both polygons, as shown in the following front panel.