Polynomial Interpolation VI

Owning Palette: Interpolation & Extrapolation VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Interpolates or extrapolates the function f at x given a set of n points (x[i]y[i]), where f(x[i]) = y[i], f is any function, and given a number x value.

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Y is the array of dependent values.
X is the array of independent values. If the number of elements in X is different from the number of elements in Y, the VI sets the output interpolation value and interpolation error to NaN and returns an error.
x value specifies the point at which the interpolation or extrapolation is performed. If the value of x value is in the range of X, the VI performs interpolation. Otherwise, the VI performs extrapolation. If x value is too far from the range of X, the extrapolation error may be large. It is not a satisfactory extrapolation.
interpolation value is the interpolation of the function f at x value.
interpolation error is an estimate of the error in the interpolation.
error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.

Polynomial Interpolation Details

The VI calculates output interpolation value P[n – 1](x), where P[n – 1] is the unique polynomial of degree n – 1 that passes through the n points (x[i]y[i]).


Refer to the Interpolation Solver VI in the labview\examples\Mathematics\Interpolation directory for an example of using the Polynomial Interpolation VI.

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