Get First Matched Node VI

Owning Palette: XML Parser VIs and Nodes

Requires: Base Development System

Returns the first node within node in that matches the XPath expression. If this VI does not find a match, node result is not a valid refnum.

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node in is a reference to an instance of XML Parser class Node. This VI uses node in as the context node to evaluate the XPath expression.
XPath expression specifies the expression this VI uses to query node in for a match. Use XPath syntax to define the XPath expression.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
node out contains the same reference as node in.
node result returns a reference to the first node that matches XPath expression. If this VI does not find a match, node result is not a valid refnum. You can use the Not a Number/Path/Refnum? function to establish whether this VI finds a match.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.