TDMS In Memory Read Bytes Function

Owning Palette: TDMS In Memory Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Reads a .tdms file in memory and returns data as an unsigned 8-bit integer array data type.


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byte count specifies the maximum number of bytes to read from the .tdms file in memory. The default is -1, which means this function reads all available bytes. If the value of byte count is out of range, this function automatically sets byte count to equal the number of bytes in the file minus offset.
offset specifies the number of bytes into the .tdms file at which the function begins reading the .tdms file. The default is 0.
tdms file specifies a reference number to the .tdms file in memory on which to perform the operation. Use the TDMS In Memory Open function to open the refnum.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
tdms file out returns a TDMS file reference to the .tdms file on which you performed the operation.
data returns the data read from the .tdms file in memory as an unsigned 8-bit integer array data type.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the following VIs for examples of using the TDMS In Memory Read Bytes function: