Is Name Multiplatform VI

Owning Palette: Advanced File VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Checks if a filename is valid on different platforms. This VI checks filenames against only desktop platforms that support LabVIEW, which are Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can choose to check the filename against all possible platforms or against the current platform.


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filename specifies the filename to check.
filename must be valid on all platforms specifies whether to check if the specified filename is valid on all possible platforms. If this input is TRUE, the VI checks the filename against all possible platforms. If this input is FALSE, the VI checks the filename against only the current platform. The default is FALSE.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
suggested filename returns the filename that you specified if the filename is valid. If the specified filename is invalid, this output transforms the specified filename into a valid filename by replacing invalid characters with hyphens or removing ending periods.
filename had conflict returns whether the specified filename is valid on any possible platform or the current platform. If filename must be valid on all platforms is TRUE, this output returns TRUE if the specified filename is invalid on any possible platform. If filename must be valid on all platforms is FALSE, this output returns TRUE if the specified filename is invalid on the current platform.
filename not crossplatform returns whether the specified filename is invalid on any possible platform. This output returns TRUE if the specified filename is invalid on any possible platform.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
problem description returns the problem details if the specified filename is invalid on any possible platform. This output lists reasons why the specified filename is considered invalid on one or multiple platforms.

Is Name Multiplatform Details

This VI checks if a filename is valid on different platforms according to the following rules: