Get LabVIEW Class Parent And Member VI Information VI

Owning Palette: Data Type Parsing VIs

Requires: Base Development System

Retrieves parent and member VI information of the LabVIEW class or interface stored in variant. This VI returns an error if variant does not contain a LabVIEW class or interface or if the LabVIEW class or interface is broken due to missing parents or missing private data control dependencies.

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variant specifies the variant data from which you want to retrieve data type information.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
parent class returns the parent class of the LabVIEW class or interface.
member VI info returns the qualified name, path, access scope, and dynamic dispatch information of all member VIs of the LabVIEW class or interface. Each array element represents one member VI. The path is empty if the member VI has not been saved.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
parent interfaces returns the interfaces that the LabVIEW class or interface inherits from directly.