Get Array Information VI

Owning Palette: Data Type Parsing VIs

Requires: Base Development System

Retrieves array information from the data type stored in variant. This VI returns an error if variant does not contain an array.

Note  This VI does not return information about values stored in the array.

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variant specifies the variant data from which you want to retrieve data type information.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
number of dimensions returns the dimensionality of the array stored in variant.
array lengths returns the type and length of each dimension of the array stored in variant.
Type returns the type for each dimension of the array stored in Variant. Most arrays in LabVIEW are variable-sized arrays. Only certain domain-specific situations, such as programming with the LabVIEW FPGA Module, use fixed-size arrays and bounded arrays.

0Variable—Indicates that the memory of the array dimension can grow or shrink as needed to fit the data size.
1Fixed—Indicates that the memory of the array dimension is pre-allocated and the data length cannot change.
2Bounded—Indicates that the memory of the array dimension has a maximum size and can store data with length less than or equal to this size.
Size returns the length of each dimension of the array stored in Variant. If Type is Variable, Size returns 0. If Type is Fixed or Bounded, Size returns the number of elements in each dimension of the array.
array element data type returns the data type of elements of the array stored in variant.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.