Read Scheduled Endpoint

Requires: Base Development System

Reads an element from a Messenger channel at a scheduled time. The endpoint waits if no element is available in the channel at the scheduled time.

You can drop this endpoint on the block diagram by right-clicking a Messenger channel terminal or wire and selecting Create»Channel Reader»Messenger»Read Scheduled.


scheduled time specifies the time when the endpoint should read data from the channel.
channel is the channel wire that connects this endpoint to a writer endpoint.
ack id specifies the ID number of a message to be acknowledged. This input allows the endpoint to acknowledge receiving the previous message. Use this input as an alternative to the Write Ack endpoint to enable acknowledgement in the channel. You can use Write Ack on every iteration after reading a message, or you can use this input so that the reader endpoint both acknowledges the previous message and reads the next message. The default is 0.
actual time returns the actual time when the endpoint read data from the channel.
element returns the data to read from the channel.
remaining returns the number of elements that remain in the channel after this read operation.

Read Scheduled Details

Related Information

Write Scheduled