channel is the channel wire that connects this endpoint to a writer endpoint.
abort before read? specifies whether to abort before reading the element from the channel. The default is FALSE.
timeout in ms is the time, in milliseconds, that this endpoint has to read the elements from the channel. The default value is -1, which means there is no time limit.
abort signal is an object for aborting a High Speed Stream channel after the read operation. You can use this object's Abort method to stop the channel. Right click the abort signal terminal and select Create Abort Node to generate the Abort function. Refer to the labview\examples\Channels\High Speed Stream\Channel - High Speed Stream.lvproj for examples of using the Abort function.
element returns the data that this endpoint reads from the channel. This output returns the default value of the transmission data type if a timeout occurs or if the channel aborts.
element valid? returns TRUE if the element was read successfully. This output returns FALSE if a timeout occurs or if the channel aborts.
done? returns TRUE if the endpoint has read the last element or if the channel aborts on either endpoint. This output returns FALSE if a timeout occurs.
timed out? returns TRUE if the amount of time specified by timeout in ms elapses. If timed out? is TRUE, element valid? will be FALSE.