Accumulator Tag

Requires: Base Development System

Use the Accumulator Tag channel to share a single value among multiple writers and readers. Sharing the value is similar to sharing a global or network shared variable. Each time a writer endpoint writes a value to the channel, the channel adds the value to the existing value. Reader endpoints can optionally clear the value when they retrieve the current sum.

Note  Accumulator Tag channels support only numeric data types as a transmission data type.
ReadReads the sum of values from an Accumulator Tag channel and optionally clears the value after the endpoint retrieves the current sum.
Read ScheduledReads the sum of values from an Accumulator Tag channel at a scheduled time and optionally clears the value when the endpoint retrieves the current sum.
Read With AbortReads the value from an Accumulator Tag channel, optionally clears the accumulator, and optionally signals the channel to abort. This endpoint is the same as the Read endpoint except that it has an abort input and an aborted? output. You can use the abort capability of the Accumulator Tag channel to close a channel abruptly, ignoring any data left in the channel buffer. You must use this endpoint together with the Write With Abort endpoint.
WriteAdds a value to an Accumulator Tag channel.
Write ScheduledAdds a value to an Accumulator Tag channel at a scheduled time. The endpoint waits until the scheduled time.
Write With AbortAdds a value to an Accumulator Tag channel or signals the channel to abort. This endpoint is the same as the Write endpoint except that it has an abort input and an aborted? output. You can use the abort capability of the Accumulator Tag channel to close a channel abruptly, ignoring any data left in the channel buffer. You must use this endpoint together with the Read With Abort endpoint.