Assert Structural Type Match Function

Owning Palette: Assert Type VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Breaks the calling VI unless the two input data types are identical, ignoring type definitions and type names.

This function does nothing at run time. Use this function in conjunction with the Type Specialization structure to customize sections of code in a malleable VI (.vim) for specific data types or to force a malleable VI to accept only data types that meet certain requirements.


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x specifies the first input data type.

LabVIEW ignores any run-time value on the wire connected to this input.
y specifies the second input data type, which you want to compare against x.

To set the data type of this input, wire a constant or control of the desired data type to y. LabVIEW ignores any run-time value on the wire connected to this input.

Assert Structural Type Match Details

For data types with subtypes, such as arrays, clusters, and some refnums, this function also checks array dimensions and subtypes, but not the subtype names. For example, this function causes the calling VI to break if one input data type is 1D array of variant and the other is 2D array of variant or 1D array of scalars. If one input data type is a cluster of a string named lecture and an unsigned 8-bit integer named number of students, while the other input data type is a cluster of a string named lecture 1 and an unsigned 8-bit integer named size, the calling VI does not break because the subtypes of the two clusters are the same even though the subtype names are different.