Unzip VI

Owning Palette: Zip VIs

Requires: Base Development System

Unzips the contents of Zip file to the Target directory. Set Preview only? to TRUE to preview the list of files in Zip file before you unzip the zip file. This VI cannot unzip a zip file that is password protected.

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Zip file specifies the path to the zip file that you want to unzip.
Preview only? specifies whether to display the files in Zip file without unzipping the zip file. If TRUE, this VI does not unzip Zip file and Preview displays a list of the files in the zip file. The default is FALSE.
Target directory specifies the directory path to which the VI unzips the files in Zip file. The default is the directory path that contains the zip file. If you specify a path that includes a filename, the VI strips the filename from the path and unzips files to the resulting directory.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
Unzipped files lists the files that the VI unzips.
Preview lists the paths to the files in Zip file.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.