Spreadsheet String To Array Function

Owning Palette: String Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Converts the spreadsheet string to an array of the dimension and representation of array type. This function works for arrays of strings and arrays of numbers.

The connector pane displays the default data types for this polymorphic function.


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delimiter specifies the value or values used to separate fields in the spreadsheet file. The default is a single tab character. You can specify multiple delimiters by wiring an array of strings to delimiter. Each element of the array should contain a different delimiter. For example, if you wire an array that contains two elements — a space character in one and a tab character in the other — the function allows either a space character or a tab character to separate elements in the output array.
format string specifies how to convert the spreadsheet string into an array. Use %s to convert spreadsheet string to an array of strings. Use %d or %f to convert spreadsheet string to an array of numbers. Use the format string syntax.
spreadsheet string contains numeric or string values separated into columns by delimiters, such as tabs or commas, with an end-of-line (EOL) character separating rows. The function converts each element in spreadsheet string according to format string and stores the resulting values in array.
array type is the data type input for the array. The default is a 2D array of double-precision, floating-point numbers. Refer to Array To Spreadsheet String for information about the spreadsheet format expected for arrays of three dimensions or more.
array is spreadsheet string converted to an array of the dimension and representation of array type.


Refer to the Tab-Delimited Data.lvproj in the labview\examples\File IO\Spreadsheet\Tab-Delimited Data directory for an example of using the Spreadsheet String To Array function.

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