Query Input Devices VI

Owning Palette: Input Device Control VIs

Requires: Base Development System (Linux, Windows)

Obtains information about the devices connected to the computer.

(Windows) You must have DirectX 8.0 or later to use this VI.

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error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
joystick info contains information about the joysticks connected to the computer.
axes total (Windows) is the total number of axes for each joystick connected to the computer.
buttons total (Windows) is the total number of buttons for each joystick connected to the computer.
pov total (Windows) is the total number of points of view for each joystick connected to the computer.
device name is the device name of each joystick connected to the computer.
key info contains information about the keyboard connected to the computer.
buttons total (Windows) is the number of keys on the keyboard connected to the computer.
device name is the device name of the keyboard connected to the computer.
mouse info contains information about the mouse connected to the computer.
axes total (Windows) is the total number of axes for the mouse connected to the computer.
buttons total (Windows) is the total number of buttons for the mouse connected to the computer.
device name is the device name of the mouse connected to the computer.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

Query Input Devices Details

The operating system recognizes more than one mouse or keyboard but interprets them to be one virtual mouse/keyboard. LabVIEW cannot return the output for each device separately but returns only the sum of both outputs.


Refer to the Monitoring Keyboard and Mouse Activity VI in the labview\examples\Connectivity\Input Device Control directory for an example of using the Query Input Devices VI.

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