Path Constant

Owning Palette: File Constants

Requires: Base Development System

Use this constant to supply a constant path value to the block diagram.

 Add to the block diagram  Find on the palette

Right-click the constant and select Browse for Path from the shortcut menu to navigate to and select a path. You also can set the value of a path constant by using the Operating tool or the Labeling tool to click it and enter the path you want. To enter the path to a VI inside an LLB, add a backslash and the VI name to the end of the path to the LLB. For example, C:\example.llb\ To enter the path of a VI from a palette, place the VI on the block diagram and <Ctrl>-drag the VI into the path constant.

You can resize a path constant.

You cannot change the value of the path constant while the VI runs. You can assign a label to this constant.