Insert Menu Items Function

Owning Palette: Menu Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Inserts menu items specified by item names or item tags into a menu or a submenu within the menu.

(Real-Time Module) You cannot use this function in VIs that run on RT targets.


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menu tag specifies the submenu in which to insert the items. If you do not specify menu tag, the function inserts the items at the top level of the menu.
menu reference is the reference to a menu bar in a VI or to a shortcut menu of a control. You can obtain this refnum with the Current VI's Menubar function or with the MenuRef event data field of menu events.
item names identifies the items to insert in the menu. item names is the string that appears in the menu. You can wire either item names or item tags, in which case both names and tags have the same values. If you want to insert only one item, wire a string to item names.
item tags identifies the items to insert in the menu. item tags is the string that is returned if the menu item is selected. You can wire either item names or item tags, in which case both names and tags have the same values. If you want to insert only one item, wire a string to item tags.

Use application item tags to insert application menu items.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
after item specifies the position where the items are inserted. after item can be a tag (string) of an existing item or a position index (zero based integer) in the menu. To insert at the beginning of the menu, wire a number less than 0 to after item. To insert at the end of the menu, wire a number larger than the number of items in the menu. You can insert application items using application tags. You can insert a separator using the application tag APP_SEPARATOR. The function always ensures that the tags of all the inserted menu items are unique to the menu hierarchy by appending numbers to the supplied tags, if necessary.
menu reference out returns menu reference unchanged.
item tags out returns the actual tags of the inserted items. If the function does not find menu tag or after item (tag), the function returns an error.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the Customizing the Menubar VI in the labview\examples\Dialog and User Interface\Menu\Customizing the Menubar directory for an example of using the Insert Menu Items function.

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