Generate User Event Function

Owning Palette: Events Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Broadcasts the user event you wire to the user event input and sends the user event and associated event data to each Event structure registered to handle the event.


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priority specifies the priority of the user event. If you specify high priority, the Generate User Event function enqueues the user event and associated event data into the event queue in front of any previously generated normal priority events. The default is normal priority.

0high priority
1normal priority (default)
user event is a user event refnum the Create User Event function created.
event data is the type of data you defined in the user event data type input of the Create User Event function.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
user event out returns the strictly typed user event refnum.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

Generate User Event Details

The user event input accepts a user event refnum the Create User Event function created. The data type of the event data input must match the data type of the user event. For example, if the data type of the user event input is a string, the data type of the event data input must also be a string. The event data is the type of data you defined in the user event data type input of the Create User Event function. If the event is not registered, the Generate User Event function has no effect.