Flatten To XML Function

Owning Palette: LabVIEW Schema VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Converts any data type you wire to anything and converts it to an XML string according to the LabVIEW XML schema.

If anything contains the characters <, >, or &, the function converts those characters to &lt;, &gt;, or &amp;, respectively. Use the Escape XML VI to convert other characters, such as ", to XML syntax.


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anything is any LabVIEW data you want to convert. This parameter is polymorphic.
xml string is the resulting XML string that represents the LabVIEW data type. When converting decimal values, this function uses only the period (.) as a decimal separator. The function does not use localized decimal separators.


Refer to the Flatten and Unflatten XML.lvproj in the labview\examples\File IO\XML\Flatten and Unflatten XML directory for an example of using the Flatten To XML function.

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