Fire Software-Triggered Timing Source VI

Owning Palette: Timed Structures and VIs

Requires: Base Development System (Real-Time, Windows)

Fires a software-triggered timing source. Use the Create Timing Source VI to create a software-triggered timing source.


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trigger ID is the numeric identifier of the software-triggered timing source. The valid range of trigger ID values is 0-127. Because this parameter is implemented as an integer rather than a string, it is safe to use the Fire Software-Triggered Timing Source VI in time-critical code.
number of ticks specifies the number of ticks to increment the internal tick counter of the timing source. The default value is 1 tick.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
trigger ID out returns trigger ID unchanged.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

Fire Software-Triggered Timing Source Details

When you use a software-triggered timing source to control a Timed Loop, you can use the number of ticks input to trigger multiple successive Timed Loop iterations. When the internal tick counter jumps past one or more Timed Loop periods, the Timed Loop regards those periods as missed periods. If you remove the checkmark from the Discard missed periods checkbox on the Configure Timed Loop dialog box, a single call to this VI can trigger the Timed Loop to execute multiple iterations.