Exponential Function

Owning Palette: Exponential Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Computes the value of e raised to the x power, or the exponential of x.

Note  For very small values of x, the Exponential (Arg) -1 function is more accurate than using this function then subtracting 1 from the output.

The connector pane displays the default data types for this polymorphic function.

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x can be a scalar number, array or cluster of numbers, array of clusters of numbers, and so on.
exp(x) is of the same numeric representation as x. The following equation defines the exponential exp(x):

exp(a+bi) = exp(a)(cos(b)+i sin(b))

when x is of the form x = a + bi, that is, when x is complex.

Exponential Details

If x is a matrix, this function computes the exponential of x. When you wire matrix data as an input to this function, a VI that includes subVIs that work with the matrix data type replaces the function. The resulting VI has the same icon but contains a matrix-specific algorithm. The node remains a VI if you disconnect the matrix from the input(s). Wire other data types as inputs to restore the original function. If you wire a data type to a function and that data type causes a basic math operation to fail, the function returns an empty matrix or NaN.

Refer to the Matrix Exp VI for more information.


Refer to the Exponential VI in the labview\examples\Mathematics\Elementary & Special Functions\Exponential Functions directory for an example of using the Exponential function.

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