Call Chain Function

Owning Palette: Application Control VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Returns the chain of callers from the current VI to the top-level VI. Element 0 of the call chain array contains the name of the lowest VI in the call chain. Subsequent elements are callers of the lower VIs in the call chain. The last element of the call chain array is the name of the top-level VI.

If you are using the current VI as a subVI, you can use this function to identify all the VIs that call the subVI.

If a LabVIEW project library owns a VI in the call chain, the function returns the qualified name of the VI, which includes the project library filename.


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call chain is the chain of callers from the current VI to the top-level VI.

Call Chain Details

You also can use the Call list pull-down menu on the toolbar to view the chain of callers from the top-level VI down to the subVI. The Call list pull-down menu appears on the toolbar when you pause a VI that has callers.