Build Path Function

Owning Palette: File I/O VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Creates a new path by appending a name or a relative path to an existing path.


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base path specifies the path to which this function appends name or relative path. The default is an empty path. If base path is invalid, this function sets appended path to <Not A Path>.
name or relative path is the new path component appended to base path. If name or relative path is an empty string or an invalid path, this function sets appended path to <Not A Path>.
appended path is the resulting path.

Build Path Details

Suppose you want to build the path c:\dir1\vis\ The following table shows examples of how you can specify base path and name or relative path to build this path.

Operationbase pathname or relative path
To specify a namec:\dir1\
To specify a relative pathc:\dir1vis\
To specify an absolute pathc:\dir1\vis\