Boolean Functions

Owning Palette: Programming VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Boolean functions to perform logical operations on single Boolean values or arrays of Boolean values.

Palette ObjectDescription
AndComputes the logical AND of the inputs. Both inputs must be Boolean values, numeric values, or error clusters. If both inputs are TRUE, the function returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
And Array ElementsReturns TRUE if all the elements in Boolean array are TRUE or if Boolean array is empty. Otherwise, the function returns FALSE. This function accepts an array of any size but returns only a single value based on all values in Boolean array.
Boolean Array To NumberConverts a Boolean array to an integer or a fixed-point number by interpreting the array as the binary representation of the number. The first element of the array corresponds to the least significant bit in the number.
Boolean To (0,1)Converts a Boolean FALSE or TRUE value to a 16-bit integer with a value of 0 or 1, respectively.
Compound ArithmeticPerforms arithmetic on one or more numeric, array, cluster, or Boolean inputs. To select the operation (Add, Multiply, AND, OR, or XOR), right-click the function and select Change Mode from the shortcut menu. When you select this function from the Numeric palette, the default mode is Add. When you select this function from the Boolean palette, the default mode is OR.
Exclusive OrComputes the logical exclusive or (XOR) of the inputs. Both inputs must be Boolean values, numeric values, or error clusters. If both inputs are TRUE or both inputs are FALSE, the function returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
False ConstantUse this constant to provide a value of FALSE to the block diagram.
ImpliesNegates x and then computes the logical OR of y and the negated x. Both inputs must be Boolean values, numeric values, or error clusters. If x is TRUE and y is FALSE, the function returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
NotComputes the logical negation of the input. If x is FALSE, the function returns TRUE. If x is TRUE, the function returns FALSE.
Not AndComputes the logical NAND of the inputs. Both inputs must be Boolean values, numeric values, or error clusters. If both inputs are TRUE, the function returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
Not Exclusive OrComputes the logical negation of the logical exclusive or (XOR) of the inputs. Both inputs must be Boolean values, numeric values, or error clusters. If both inputs are TRUE or both inputs are FALSE, the function returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Not OrComputes the logical NOR of the inputs. Both inputs must be Boolean values, numeric values, or error clusters. If both inputs are FALSE, the function returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Number To Boolean ArrayConverts an integer or fixed-point number to a Boolean array. If you wire an integer to number, Boolean array returns an array of 8, 16, 32, or 64 elements, depending on the number of bits in the integer. If you wire a fixed-point number to number, the size of the array that Boolean array returns equals the word length of the fixed-point number. The 0th element of the array corresponds to the least significant bit of the two's complement representation of the integer.
OrComputes the logical OR of the inputs. Both inputs must be Boolean values, numeric values, or error clusters. If both inputs are FALSE, the function returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
Or Array ElementsReturns FALSE if all the elements in Boolean array are FALSE or if Boolean array is empty. Otherwise, the function returns TRUE. This function accepts an array of any size but returns only a single value based on all values in Boolean array.
True ConstantUse this constant to provide a value of TRUE to the block diagram.