Add File to Zip VI

Owning Palette: Zip VIs

Requires: Base Development System

Adds the file source file path specifies to a zip file. The destination path in zip control specifies the zipped path information.


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zip file in specifies the open zip file.
source file path specifies the path to file to add to the zip file.
destination path in zip specifies the filename and the path to apply to the source file when the VI encodes the file into the zip file.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
zip file out returns the open zip file. zip file out is analogous to a refnum or task ID.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the Create Zip File VI in the labview\examples\File IO\Zip directory for an example of using the Add File to Zip VI.

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