VI Properties (ActiveX)

Requires: Base Development System

A VirtualInstrument object exports properties that affect a given VI. A VirtualInstrument object is instantiated by invoking the GetVIReference method on the Application object.

In the following topics, an asterisk (*) at the end of a data type name indicates that the property is a pointer. Property parameters denoted by [] are optional for that property.

Refer to the ActiveX Enumerations for more information about enumerations used in various properties.

AllowDebuggingIf TRUE, you can use debugging tools on the VI. Set this property to FALSE to reduce memory requirements and to improve performance slightly for the VI. Details
BDModificationBitSetIndicates whether changes were made to the block diagram since the VI was saved or opened, depending on which was last. If the value is zero, no changes were made. If the value is nonzero, changes were made. This property is read only. Details
BDSizeSize of the LabVIEW block diagram in bytes. This property is read only. Details
CallersReturns a list of all the loaded VIs that call the referenced VI. This property is read only. Details
CloneNameName of the clone VI. Returns an error if the VI is not a clone. Details
CloseFPAfterCallIndicates whether to close the LabVIEW front panel after the VI runs. Details
CodeSizeAmount of memory used for VI code in bytes. This property is read only. Details
DataSizeAmount of memory allocated for data in bytes. You cannot read this property if the VI is running. This property is read only. Details
DescriptionDescription of the VI that appears in the LabVIEW Context Help window when you move the cursor over the VI icon and in VI documentation you generate. Details
EditModeIf TRUE, the VI opens in edit mode. If FALSE, the VI opens in run mode, and the title bar, menu bar, and toolbar do not appear. Details
ExecInliningSpecifies whether to inline the subVI into its calling VIs. Details
ExecIsInlineableReturns TRUE if you can inline this subVI into its calling VIs. Details
ExecPriorityIndicates the priority of the VI when it runs in parallel with other tasks. Details
ExecStateIndicates the execution state of the VI. Details
ExpandWhenDroppedAsSubVIExpands to show terminals when dropped as a subVI. Details
FPAllowRTPopupIndicates whether to display shortcut menus for LabVIEW front panel objects while the VI runs. If you do not display default run-time shortcut menus, you can continue to include customized shortcut menus. Details
FPBehaviorSets the behavior of the LabVIEW front panel window. Valid values include 0 (Invalid), 1 (Default), 2 (Floating), 3 (Floating/Auto-Hide), and 4 (Modal). Details
FPHiliteReturnButtonIndicates whether to highlight Boolean controls that have a shortcut key of <Enter>. Details
FPKeepWinPropsIndicates whether the LabVIEW front panel window adjusts its size in proportion with a change in monitor resolution. The window changes size so it covers the same percentage of the screen that it covered at its original resolution. Details
FPMinimizableIndicates whether the user can minimize the LabVIEW front panel window while the VI runs. Details
FPModificationBitSetIndicates whether changes were made to the LabVIEW front panel since the VI was saved. If the value is zero, no changes where made. If the value is nonzero, changes were made. Details
FPMonitorThe monitor on which the LabVIEW front panel window appears, if you have multiple monitors. The value 0 is the primary monitor. Details
FPResizableIndicates whether the user can resize the LabVIEW front panel window while the VI runs. Details
FPRunTransparentlySets the VI to run transparently. Details
FPShowMenuBarIndicates whether to display the menu bar on the LabVIEW front panel while the VI runs. Details
FPSizeSize of the LabVIEW front panel in bytes. This property is read only. Details
FPStateCurrent state of the LabVIEW front panel window. Valid values include 0 (Invalid), 1 (Standard), 2 (Closed), 3 (Hidden), 4 (Minimized), and 5 (Maximized). A state of Standard or Maximized indicates that the front panel window is visible to the user. If you attempt to set this property for a front panel window that is not open, the property returns an error. Details
FPTitleBarVisibleIndicates whether to display a title bar on the LabVIEW front panel while the VI runs. Details
FPTransparencySets the window transparency level of the VI. The level of transparency is a percentage where 0 is opaque and 100 is invisible. This property returns an error if you specify a value outside the range of 0 to 100. If you set FPRunTransparently to False, changing this property has no effect. Details
FPWinBoundsThe four elements in the cluster are the top, left, bottom, and right values of the LabVIEW front panel window, which includes the interior region, scroll bars, title bar, menu bar, and toolbar. They are in global screen coordinates, that is, the numbers refer to coordinates within a computer monitor's screen (rather than an open window). You can set this property only for VIs with open front panels. If you do not want the VI for which you want to set this property to appear to users, use the Hidden value of the FPStateEnum data type for the FPState property to hide the front panel of the VI. Details
FPWinClosableIndicates whether the close button in the LabVIEW title bar is disabled and the Close item in the LabVIEW File menu is disabled. Details
FPWinCustomTitleIndicates whether the VI has a custom title string. Write FALSE to remove the custom title string. Details
FPWinIsFrontMostWriting TRUE to this value brings the front panel to the front. This property applies only in the application instance of the calling VI. Writing FALSE to this value has no effect. If you read this property, it indicates whether the front panel window is the front window (ignoring floating windows). Details
FPWinPanelBoundsThe four elements in the cluster are the top, left, bottom, and right values of the interior portion of the LabVIEW front panel, not including the scroll bars, title bar, menu bar, and toolbar. The cluster elements are in global screen coordinates, that is, the numbers refer to coordinates within a computer monitor's screen (rather than an open window). You can set this property only for VIs with open front panels. If you do not want the VI for which you want to set this property to appear to users, use the Hidden value of the FPStateEnum data type for the FPState property to hide the front panel of the VI. Details
FPWinTitleString that appears in the LabVIEW title bar. This string does not have to match the VI filename. Details
HelpDocumentPathPath to an HTML file (.htm or .html) or compiled help file (.chm or .hlp) to which the VI is linked. If the path is to a compiled help file, use the HelpDocumentTag property to determine the specific topic in that help file. Details
HelpDocumentTagIndex keyword or HTML filename for a topic in the compiled help file to which the VI is linked. To link to a bookmark within an HTML file, add # followed by the name of the bookmark to the end of the filename. Use this property only when HelpDocumentPath is a path to a compiled help file (.chm or .hlp). For .chm files, this property can be an HTML filename or index keyword. For .hlp files, this property can be an index keyword. Details
HelpDocumentUrlURL for the web-based help topic to link to a VI from the Detailed help link in the Context Help window. Details
HelpUseOnlineIndicates whether to link to a web-based help file from the Detailed help link in the Context Help window for a VI. Details
HistAddCommentsAtSaveIndicates whether to add a comment to the VI revision history every time the VI is saved. Details
HistoryTextReturns all the text that was added to the VI revision history. This property is read only. Details
HistPromptAtCloseIndicates whether to prompt for a VI revision history comment when the VI closes. Details
HistPromptForCommentsAtSaveIndicates whether to prompt for a VI revision history comment when the VI is saved. Details
HistRecordAppCommentsIndicates whether to add comments to the VI revision history when certain events occur, such as conversion to a new version of LabVIEW, subVI changes, and changes to the name or path of the VI. Details
HistUseDefaultsIndicates whether to use the global default history or to use the values entered in other history properties. Details
IsCloneVIReturns TRUE if the VI is a clone VI. Details
IsProbeReturns TRUE if the VI is running as a probe and the probe VI is open. Details
IsReentrantIndicates whether a VI can be reentrant. Details
LibraryReturns the name of the LabVIEW project library, XControl, or LabVIEW class that owns the VI. If no library, XControl, or class owns the VI, the property returns NULL. Details
LogAtFinishIndicates whether to write LabVIEW front panel values to a datalog file after the VI runs. Details
LogFilePathPath of the datalog file in which LabVIEW front panel data and a time stamp are written. Details
NameName of the VI file. You can write this property only if the VI has not been saved to disk. If a LabVIEW project library owns the VI, this property returns the qualified name of the VI, which includes the project library filename. Details
OwningAppReturns a reference to the Application that owns this VI. Close this reference when you are finished using it. Details
PathPath to the VI file. This property is read only. Details
PreferredExecSystemIndicates the execution system in which the VI runs. Details
PrintHeaderDatePrintIf TRUE, LabVIEW includes the date printed in the headers for the VI. Use the PrintingHeaders property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Details
PrintHeaderModifyDateIf TRUE, LabVIEW includes the last modified date in the headers for the VI. Use the PrintingHeaders property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Details
PrintHeaderPageNumberIf TRUE, LabVIEW includes the page number in the headers for the VI. Use the PrintingHeaders property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Details
PrintHeaderVIIconIf TRUE, LabVIEW includes the VI icon in the headers for the VI. Use the PrintingHeaders property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Details
PrintHeaderVINameIf TRUE, LabVIEW includes the VI name in the headers for the VI. Use the PrintingHeaders property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Details
PrintingBDScalingIf TRUE, LabVIEW scales the block diagram to fit on the printed page. Details
PrintingFPScalingIf TRUE, LabVIEW scales the front panel to fit on the printed page. Details
PrintingHeadersIf TRUE, LabVIEW prints headers for the VI. Use the PrintHeader properties in this class to customize the contents of the headers. Details
PrintingHeaderVIPathIf TRUE, LabVIEW includes the VI path in the headers for the VI. Use the PrintingHeaders property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Details
PrintingOrientationGets or sets the page orientation to use when printing the VI. Details
PrintLogFileAtFinishIndicates whether to print the LabVIEW front panel after the VI runs. Details
PrintMarginsGets or sets the page margins to use when printing the VI in inches or centimeters. Details
ReentrancyTypeIndicates the type of reentrancy LabVIEW uses for a reentrant VI. This property is similar to options on the Execution Properties page of the VI Properties dialog box. Details
RevisionNumberCurrent revision number of the VI. Details
RunOnOpenIndicates whether to run the VI when it opens. Details
RunTimeMenuPathWhen read, this property returns the run-time menu path of the VI. When written, this property updates the run-time menu path of the VI. If the VI is running when you write this property, it updates the menu with data from the new path. Details
ShowFPOnCallIndicates whether to show the LabVIEW front panel when the VI is called. Details
ShowFPOnLoadIndicates whether to show the LabVIEW front panel when the VI is loaded. Details
SuspendOnCallIndicates whether the VI should be suspended when it is called as a subVI. Use this property carefully with reentrant VIs. Details
TBShowAbortButtonIndicates whether to display the Abort Execution button on the LabVIEW toolbar while the VI runs. Details
TBShowFreeRunButtonIndicates whether to display the Run Continuously button on the LabVIEW toolbar while the VI runs. Details
TBShowRunButtonIndicates whether to display the Run button on the LabVIEW toolbar while the VI runs. Details
TBVisibleIndicates whether to display the LabVIEW toolbar while the VI runs. Details
VITypeIndicates the type of the VI. Details