MassCompile Method

Requires: Base Development System

Class: Application Methods (ActiveX)

Loads and compiles VIs in a directory, including VIs in subdirectories, for the specified application instance.

This method is similar to the Mass Compile option in the Mass Compile dialog box.


object.MassCompile(directory, [logFile], [appendLog], [viCacheSize], [reloadLVSBs], [User Stopped])


directoryStringDirectory where the mass compile begins.
logFileStringFile path where the results of the mass compile are placed. The default is no log file.
appendLogBooleanIndicates whether results are appended to the log file. The default is FALSE.
viCacheSizeLongNumber of VIs allowed to be in memory during the mass compile. The default is none.
reloadLVSBsBooleanIf TRUE, ignores CINs in VIs and the application searches for them. Use this parameter when a large number of CINs have been recompiled and need to be reloaded. The default is FALSE.
User StoppedBooleanIndicates whether the user stopped the mass compile operation.

Return Value
